I don’t know about you guys, but I am a soda addict. To me, nothing goes better with a meal then a nice cold Fresca, an ice-filled Cherry Pepsi, even a Mountain Dew every now and then when I need an ungodly amount of caffeine. I know I can’t be the only one out there. Anyways, here are some facts about sodas that I bet you didn’t know.
- Without the added food coloring, Coca-Cola would be green.
- For the Jewish holiday Passover, observers can’t eat leavened bread and many types of carbohydrates, including corn. Coca-Cola contains high fructose corn syrup, but every year they produce a kosher version of Coca-Cola, so Jewish people can drink it at all times of the year.
- A study conducted at Northern Kentucky University showed that when making cocktails or other mixed alcoholic drinks, diet soda gets you 10% drunker.
- Soft drinks make up the number one source of calorie intake in America. The average American drinks just less than two sodas a day, and over 45 gallons a year.
- Coke is so popular, that even its less popular counterpart, Diet Coke, sells more than Pepsi.
- Soda can be used to get rusty stains off of car bumpers.
- In 1995, Mountain Dew became the official sponsor of the first-ever X Games.
- Originally, Mountain Dew was made with whiskey, though this was obviously eventually changed.
- Pepsi once ran an advertisement with the slogan, “Come alive with Pepsi!” However, in China, that translated to “Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave.”
- The original glass Fresca bottles used to contain a groove right under the label to catch condensation from dripping down to your hand.
- The name Fanta came from the German word “fantasie,” which means imagination.