What does Alteril Sleep Aid do?
This is our Alteril Sleep Aid report. It’s a sleep supplement with claims to promote:
- Mood
- Faster Onset Sleep
- Deeper Sleep
But is the best choice for you?
In this assessment, we look closer at the overall safety and ingredients of Alteril Sleep Aid. Here you’ll learn what works, what doesn’t and what could be improved.
What are Alteril Sleep Aid’s ingredients?
There are numerous, but mostly good. We’ll be looking at them all in detail in a moment.
Before we get into that, we want to talk about the proprietary blend.
A proprietary blend is when a supplement manufacturer chooses to hide the individual dosages of the ingredients in their supplement. Instead they group them together under one larger value.
This means you don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting or how effective it really is.
Luckily, this is only for half of the supplement, but it is still problematic.
Below, we look at Alteril Sleep Aid’s ingredients, along with what they do and our thoughts on them. Take a look:
This is a great start to Alteril Sleep Aid. L-Tryptophan is an amino acid that is commonly found in seeds and nuts.
It’s all natural and effective for sleep.
So, how does it work? After you absorb L-Tryptophan, your body converts it into 5-HTP, which is then again converted into serotonin. Serotonin is your body’s ‘feel good’ hormone, it can help to improve your mood.
After helping to boost your mood, the serotonin is converted again into melatonin – this is your body’s natural sleep hormone. It is released from the pineal gland in your brain to signal to your body that it’s time to sleep.
What’s more is that this is natural, homemade melatonin released by your brain – so it’s as effective as it can be.
Although a lot of conversion is needed by your body, L-Tryptophan is a great precursor for this sleep hormone.
This is a good option in Alteril Sleep Aid too. Glycine is an amino acid which has evidence of working as a depressive.
That doesn’t mean it makes you sad, it means it lowers and relaxes you. For example, alcohol is technically a depressant.
By working as a depressant on your brain, Glycine can help wind you down and get you into a better mindset to fall asleep with. It’s an effective choice in here.
As we’ve already mentioned in our Tryptophan write-up, melatonin is your body’s natural sleep hormone. So it’s good that it’s here in Alteril Sleep Aid.
The more of this you have in your system, the more support you have to fall asleep. It’s a big signal to your body that it’s time to sleep.
However, our main concern with Alteril Sleep Aid is whether the melatonin in here is natural or not.
Many supplement companies choose to go with artificial melatonin due to it being cheaper and more accessible. The only problem with that is that it may not be as effective as the real thing.
A good solution to this problem would be to use natural ingredients which already contain melatonin. Montmorenecy Tart Cherry is one of the best options for this as it has a slew of benefits along with being packed with the sleep hormone.
Everything else is in Alteril Sleep Aid is part of a proprietary blend. The dosages are unconfirmed, they may not be potent enough to have any real effects.
This is a good supporting option in Alteril Sleep Aid, although sometimes there are problems with absorption.
GABA is an amino acid that can help to promote relaxation, and even reduce anxiety. This makes it good for putting you into a calmer mindset which can help improve your overall sleep quality, and how fast you drift off.
However, there is some evidence which shows that GABA does have difficulties crossing the blood-brain barrier after absorption. Failure to do so leads to a lack of effects.
Here it may not be a reliable option, however, there are numerous other ingredients in here which work as a precursor to GABA which may support.
Skullcap Herb
Also known as Scutellaria Baicalensis, this is a nice touch in Alteril Sleep Aid. The reason being is that Skullcap Herb may help with GABA.
Studies show that supplementing Skullcap may help to improve your GABA levels and administer an anxiolytic effect.
This can help to reduce your levels of anxiety and make you much calmer, which can help the act of falling asleep at night much easier.
Valerian Root
Another good support in Alteril Sleep Aid ingredients profile.
Valerian root is a nutrient which you commonly find in nighttime teas. Although it doesn’t directly promote sleep – it can create the right setting for you mentally.
It can do this by reducing your anxiety and promoting your overall levels of calmness. In doing so, it gives you the right mental attitude to feel more relaxed and open to sleeping.
Chamomile Herb
Another herb that you’ll find in nighttime teas. Chamomile is a great choice in this Alteril Sleep Aid for helping you to get some rest.
It works because it contains a component known as Apigenin. Apigenin can help reduce your overall anxiety while promoting calmness – this is another ingredient in Alteril Sleep Aid that doesn’t promote sleep directly. Instead it gives you the mindset that makes it easier to drift off after you get into bed.
This is more of a support to the Valerian root in Alteril Sleep Aid. Studies show that these two usually work together well when it comes to reducing anxiety.
As we’ve mentioned with many of the other ingredients in here, this nutrient can help give you a more toned-down mindset which can help you to relax more and make it easier to fall asleep.
Alteril Sleep Aid’s final ingredient – Passionflower. This is another herb which is rich in Apigenin.
You know the drill, it’s a great source for reducing anxiety, promoting relaxation and giving you a calmer mindset.
It all helps to pump up your overall levels of GABA which allows you to find it easier to drift off to sleep at night.
Alteril Sleep Aid Ingredients Summary
There are plenty of good ingredients in here. We like the Melatonin, Glycine and L-Tryptophan – however, it seems to fall apart when it comes to the other ingredients.
Not so much because of what they are – but because of the mysterious dosages. If you don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting – how can you know how effective it really is?
We also take small issue with the melatonin in here – we don’t know whether it is natural or not in Alteril Sleep Aid. This means it may not be as effective as the real thing.
If this is the case, Montmorency Tart Cherry would be a better option. It contains natural melatonin which can help you to sleep better at night.
It also wouldn’t hurt to add some magnesium in here. Magnesium can help relax nervous impulses that you body has overnight. This can help to stop twitches and jerks which can stop you from waking yourself in the middle of the night during your sleep.
Is Alteril Sleep Aid safe? Are there side effects?
Not that we can see. We haven’t heard any reports of these causing problems – and at these dosages they should be fine.
Although the proprietary blend doesn’t reveal the exact dosages – it’s still in safe levels in the grand scheme of things.
If you have any concerns about taking this supplement, we suggest speaking to your doctor before using it.
Alteril Sleep Aid Summary
This is one of the more popular sleep aids on the market, and needed to be reviewed.
In all honesty, there are some good ingredients in here – but we can’t say it fully lived up the hype. The melatonin and L-Tryptophan are good but the proprietary blend and a few other factors make it clear that there are better options out there.
If you are struggling with sleep, and want the best possible results – this may not be the choice for you.
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Performance Lab Sleep
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