Insane Labz Nightmare Review: What does it do?
This is our review of Insane Labz Nightmare. It’s a sleep aid with claims to promote:
- Recovery
- Mood
- Sleep
But how well will it work for you?
In our report, we look closer at this supplement to see just how effective it really is. We study the ingredients and look at any potential side effects.
In addition, we also make suggestions on how it could be improved.
This is what we’ve found:
Insane Labz Nightmare Ingredients: How are they?
The main ingredients are all in a proprietary blend – which isn’t a great set up.
A proprietary blend is when a supplement manufacturer chooses to hide the individual dosages of the ingredients in their product.
Instead, all the ingredients are grouped together under much larger dosages. This means you don’t know how much of each ingredient you’re getting or how effective it may be overall.
That said, there are still some good ingredients in here, but not a lot to promote melatonin.
We take a look at that and more below:
This isn’t the best start to Insane Labz Nightmare, but we can see that the intentions were good.
GABA is a hormone in your body which has links to improving calmness and relaxation while reducing overall levels of anxiety.
This is great when it comes to sleep. Although it doesn’t directly promote it, it puts you in the right state of mind to fall asleep in the right situation. An example of ‘the right situation’ would be getting into bed. The circumstances need to be there to help it along.
So, why isn’t it ‘the best start’?
Studies show that supplementing GABA may not be the best strategy to get your overall levels up. It has difficulty crossing your blood-brain barrier. If it doesn’t absorb you’re not going to get the full benefit of this hormone.
Ideally, you want nutrients in Insane Labz Nightmare which help promote GABA internally as precursors. Luckily, there are also a few of those in this supplement.
Lemon Balm
This is a better option in Insane Labz Nightmare. Lemon Balm was thought to help improve cognition in nootropics supplements – however, further study showed this wasn’t the case.
So, why is it a better option?
It’s better because more studies have shown that although Lemon Balm doesn’t boost cognition, it can help to improve relaxation and reduce stress.
There are links to it improving GABA levels too. It’s a good ingredient for improving your overall mindset which makes it easier for you to fall asleep when you get into bed.
This is a good ingredient in Insane Labz Nightmare too. It’s another nutrient that can help boost GABA levels which can result in an improvement in both relaxation and anxiety reduction.
There’s also some small amounts of evidence that Lavender can work with Lemon Balm to have some sedative effects – which could help to directly influence sleep.
However, a lot more research is needed to confirm this.
This isn’t a sleep aid in Insane Labz Nightmare, but it can help in other ways – like recovery.
However, it may be hard for it to work in this form as L-Arginine is harder to absorb when supplemented directly.
If you use a precursor like L-Citrulline to boost your L-Arginine levels it can help to improve overall blood and nutrient flow. This can help speed up recovery and get more nutrients to your muscles at a much faster rate.
However, as there is no precursor and just direct L-Arginine, it may not give you the results you’re looking for.
This is another amino acid in Insane Labz Nightmare, and may be able to help where L-Arginine fails.
Taurine has been seen in some studies to help boost blood and nutrient flow which can help improve overall recovery time.
It’s good for after a workout to help you get back in the game faster overnight while your body heals.
OxyGold (Fulvic Acid)
This is essentially Shilajit in Insane Labz Nightmare, or at least offers the same health benefits.
It won’t help with sleep, but there is some evidence that it can help with testosterone levels. Again this would be good for muscle recovery while sleeping after a hard workout.
It all ties into the recovery angle of this sleep supplement.
Ingredient Summary for Insane Labz Nightmare
The first issue that we need to talk about is the proprietary blend.
Without knowing how much of each ingredient you’re getting, how can you know how effective it really is?
It makes it difficult to know and definitely could make the supplement seem more effective than it actually is – as the dosages are up for debate.
That said, there are some good GABA boosters in here, and the Lemon Balm – Lavender combo is interesting and promising.
However, we would like to see some melatonin boosters in here too. Tart Cherries contain a natural supply of the sleep hormone melatonin and would’ve worked well here.
Secondly, L-Tryptophan is converted into serotonin after supplementing it which boosts your mood, and again into melatonin later. Again, boosting more of the sleep hormone.
Finally, we think magnesium would here too. This mineral can help reduce impulses through your muscles overnight which can help reduce involuntary twitches and jerks. This can stop you waking yourself up in the middle of the night to give you a longer more peaceful sleep.
In short, good ingredients but add Tart Cherries, L-Tryptophan and Magnesium for maximum effect. Also stop using a proprietary blend, lack of transparency is hard to measure effectiveness.
Insane Labz Nightmare Side Effects – Are there any?
We haven’t heard reports of Insane Labz Nightmare causing any side effects while researching this review. So we don’t think it will pose any problems.
However, we do suggest speaking to your doctor if you’re unsure. This can help rule out any doubt and make sure you’re safe when taking it.
Insane Labz Nightmare Summary
All in all, there are some good points to this sleep aid, but there are areas that could use improvement.
We would value this supplement a lot more if it had ingredients which could help improve your overall levels of melatonin and reduce overnight disturbances.
At the moment, it’s good for recovery overnight from a workout and can even get yo in the right mindset to encourage sleep, but we think there are better options out there.
Our Current #1:
Performance Lab Sleep
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It is hands-down the best natural sleep aid that you're going to see on the market: