What does Natural Calmful Sleep do?
This is our report on Natural Calmful Sleep. This is a sleep aid made by Natural Calm with claims to promote:
- Long, Undisturbed Sleep
- Deeper, More Restful Sleep
- Reduced Anxiety and Better Mood
So, how well does it live up to these claims?
In this analysis, we’re going to be taking a closer look at the ingredients, what they do and if they work in this sleep supplement. We’ll also be considering any notable side effects – and essentially anything else that you may need to know.
This is our full assessment.
How are the Natural Calmful Sleep ingredients?
There’s a lot of good stuff in here, some small problems but nothing major. The real star of the show is Natural Calm’s own Magnesium blend. They made their own in the hopes to give you the most effective results.
Not many companies do this, the only other brand that we know of who does this in sleep supplements are Performance Lab.
Natural Calmful Sleep has a short, but concise nutrient profile. We’ll walk you through each ingredient and why their good, along with any weaknesses or improvements that we think need mentioning.
Natural Calm Magnesium
This is the first ingredient in Natural Calmful Sleep, and it’s one of Natural Calm’s own branded ingredients.
Before we get into why their version is a little more advanced than regular magnesium – let’s see why magnesium itself is good for sleep.
Magnesium helps sleep by how it affects your central nervous system. The mineral can help to relax excitable muscle impulses across your body while you sleep.
These ‘impulses’ are essentially twitches and jerks that you do involuntarily in your sleep which have the potential to wake you up.
Magnesium helps by reducing the occurrence of these, giving you a longer undisturbed sleep.
Natural Calm’s own Magnesium is ionic magnesium citrate. It’s a blend of citric acid and magnesium carbonate. The main benefit of this is that it’s easier to absorb and allows your body to get more out of it – and also absorb it at a much faster rate.
This is your body’s relaxation hormone, and it’s a good one to see in Natural Calmful Sleep.
It’s good because it can help to get you in the right mindset for an effective night’s sleep. By supplementing this hormone you can help to increase your overall levels of relaxation while decreasing your anxiety.
You enter a much calmer state and demeanor and find it much easier to fall asleep. It’s a good one to have on the list.
Magnesium Glycinate
We’ve already spoken about the benefit of magnesium in Natural Calmful Sleep, so not much needs explaining here.
As we’ve said, it relaxes your nervous system, which reduces twitches and jerks to give you a better night’s sleep.
However, this form of the mineral is Magnesium Glycinate, meaning it’s bound with Glycine. The advantage here is that it can help protect the mineral from stomach acids and allow it safer passage through your body, allowing it to be absorbed much easier.
Natural Calmful are basically doubling down on asborption when it comes to their supplement Sleep – and we appreciate it.
Another good addition to Natural Calmful Sleep. L-Theanine is an amino acid that is typically found in herbs like Green Tea.
It can help promote relaxation and calmness all while reducing anxiety. This is another ingredient that can help improve your GABA levels.
In doing so, you have a better chance of improving your overall sense of relaxation and falling faster to sleep.
The final ingredient in Natural Calmful Sleep, and it’s a big one. Melatonin is your body’s natural sleep hormone, it helps regulate your slumber along with natural sleep patterns.
The only concern that we have about it in here is that it may not be natural melatonin. Many manufacturers tend to use artificial melatonin – the reason for this being is that it is more readily available.
However, the downside to this is that it is not as effective as the real thing. A better choice would be to use something like Tart Cherries which contain a natural source of melatonin which can give you the same benefits but from a natural source.
Ingredient Profile Summary
There are some good ingredients in Natural Calmful Sleep, and we’re not denying it. The magnesium is a great option, boosting GABA levels are always a good idea but we do think some clarity is needed when it comes to the melatonin.
Don’t get us wrong, it will have an effect on your sleep, but it would be great to know if it was coming from natural sources.
If we could improve this supplement we would swapping the melatonin in here out for some Tart Cherries. They are a good supply of natural melatonin and ensure you get the real deal.
Another angle which would help would be to add some L-Tryptophan into Natural Calmful Sleep. This is an amino acid which converts in to natural melatonin after your body absorbs it.
In our opinion this would be a more effective approach.
Is Natural Calmful Sleep Safe? Does it have side effects?
We don’t think so. There’s not many ingredients in here, and we haven’t seen any reports linking them to side effects at this dosage.
They’re not carrying anything dangerous like Kava Kava or a large dosage of melatonin. Everything is within reason and shouldn’t cause problems.
That said, we can’t say that it is safe for everyone. If you want to ensure that you’ll be side effect free we recommend consulting with your doctor, or a medical expert before using it. You should also ensure that you don’t have any preexisting conditions that could be exacerbated by this supplement.
Natural Calmful Sleep Summary
On the whole, this sleep supplement has some great ingredients. We like the magnesium in Natural Calmful Sleep, along with the GABA, L-Theanine and Melatonin.
However, we would love more concrete proof that the melatonin in here is natural, and we would also like to see some L-Tryptophan to make sure more natural melatonin is produced.
It’s a nice supplement, but not the best we’ve come across.
Our Current #1:
Performance Lab Sleep
You're not going to find a cleaner, more effective sleep supplement that Opti-Nutra's Performance Lab Sleep.
Made of all natural ingredients (including natural melatonin from Montmorency Tart Cherries) which can help promote:
- Faster onset sleep
- Overall relaxation
- Less muscle spasms and sleep disturbances
- Longer, deeper sleep
It is hands-down the best natural sleep aid that you're going to see on the market: