When it comes to dancers, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better person out there than Jennifer Johnson.
Who is Jennifer Johnson?
Also known as ‘JJ’, Jennifer D. Johson is a celebrity personal trainer, choreographer and dancer. She’s taught countless celebrities how to dance, get into shape and be their best selves.
She currently runs the JJ Dancer method which is a dance fitness program which is quickly becoming global. It has already broken Asia!
Jennifer Johnson claims to promote empowerment and confidence through fitness, and we believe her 100% especially with her upbeat attitude.
Here’s an example of her being a great teacher for COSMOBody:
1. JJ has been dancing since the age of 4 – and went pro at 8!
They don’t call here JJ Dancer for nothing! Jennifer Johnson has been dancing almost for as long as she can walk.
Don’t get us wrong, she’s one hell of a personal trainer, but when it comes to dancing the woman is a legend.
She’s been training in dance from the age of 4. She didn’t just learn to dance, she grew up living on it. This wasn’t just a standard hobby either, little JJ was good. By the age of 8 she was ready to turn pro and began performing with The Chicago City Ballet and Ruth Paige Ballet Companies.
2. Jenna Dewan was her first celebrity client
That’s right, one of the big name celebrities known for their dancing was taught by Jennifer Johnson. Not only that, she was the first celebrity JJ took on.
You may remember Jenna from movies such as Step Up, Take the Lead and Fab Five: The Texas Cheerleader Scandal.
If these names didn’t give it away, they are films that require a lot of dancing. Luckily Jenna had Johnson to help her through.
3. JJ performed with several big names
Dewan isn’t the only celebrity Jennifer Johnson has lent her talents to.
JJ has performed with numerous big names in the industry, particularly music videos.
Here’s just a few of the acts that Johnson has performed with:
- Beyoncé
- Kanye West
- Kelly Rowland
- Pitbull
- Lil Wayne
- Outkast
- Tyrese
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Carlos Santana
- Omarion
- Brian Mcknight
- Amerie
Those are some huge names. She is absolutely the real deal.
4. She researched health and fitness for 8 years
Another fact about JJ that many don’t know is how much of a fitness expert she is. Her knowledge to create her famous ‘JJ Dancer Method’ didn’t just happen over night.
Jennifer studied and practiced everything she could about health and fitness for nearly a decade before coming out with that program.
She took all her hard work and turned it into a fitness method that can work for you.
5. JJ’s appeared in TV too!
Not only is JJ someone who performs in music videos, has her own fitness program, personally trains celebrities and has been dancing for nearly as long as she’s been alive – she’s also in TV too!
Some of the shows she has appeared on include: Dancing with the Stars, MTV Video Music Awards, The American Music Awards, Fashion Rocks, and many others.
She’s one of the bigger figures in the world of dance.
6. Jennifer Johnson was Captain of the NBA Washington Wizards Dance Team
This is how JJ managed to cross over into the world of fitness. She became the Captain of NBA Washing Wizards’ dance team. In doing so, her fitness had to go up a level and she also needed to get into the best shape of her life.
This is one of the catalysts which led Jennifer to researching health and fitness for 8 years. She wanted to do her absolute best.
Facts Summary
As you can see, Jennifer D. Johnson is one hell of dancer, and a great celebrity personal trainer. With such big names on her books, and also as acts that she works with, she is one of the bigger people in media which is shaping dance.
We wish her nothing but success in the future!